How to Know When to Leave your Job

Today, leaving work is a part of a common workflow, which is not surprising to anyone. Along with recruitment, training, and other processes, it is the engine of the entire workforce cycle. However, for many employees, the question of when to leave a job can be challenging and requires a lot of willpower and determination. The reason is a constant fear of making a mistake. In fact, the problem is only in our heads, which makes it easier to solve. In this article, we will analyze the main indicators that it is time for you to change jobs and give some useful tips.
5 main signs it's time to quit your job
Thoughts of dismissal slipping through your head should not be ignored and soaked. It is better to seriously consider even the smallest suspicions that your work is not suitable for you. In case of such an opportunity, try to discuss your worries with a person you trust who has some time to listen and help.
Here are the main signs it's time to quit your job:
1. A desire to move up the career ladder
There are several reasons to be wanting to get a higher position. Most often, this is a desire to increase income, which may be associated with moving, replenishment in the family, motivation for a better life, etc. It can also be connected with the employee's great passion for their work which leads to a desire to connect their lives with this career even more closely.
2. Demotivating work environment
Almost always, the time when to quit your job is determined by the level of your motivation to work. However, this drive can easily be slowed down by an unhealthy workplace environment. This also includes problems with the team, managers, or problematic colleagues. It is considered one of the most common reasons that lead to burnout.
3. Burnout and apathy
This problem requires an immediate solution as it often leads to complex consequences, such as prolonged depression. Burnouts are pretty easy to spot: it usually takes the form of a constant, persistent fatigue, reluctance to return to work, noticeably frequent task avoidance, and many other tell-tale signs.
4. Inappropriate specialization
Many specialists are wondering how to quit your job and land a better one, completely opposite to their own. This may be due to the lack of time given to a teenager to choose the direction of a future career. But more often it's just a psychological factor: it is almost impossible to select a satisfactory career for the rest of your life on the first tryMore often, specialists change the direction of work several times in a lifetime. This is influenced both by their own preferences and their economic and financial situation. For example, nowadays, the number of employed professionals retrained in IT from other specialties is growing significantly due to the high demand for various IT specialties.
5. Bad habits
Stressful work often pulls the emergence of bad habits. It could be smoking or eating problems, for example. It turns out to be a vicious circle: the more you get nervous, the more you get trapped by the bad habits, and the more difficult it is to overcome this addiction. In such cases, it is worth not only changing jobs but also seeking help from a specialist, as well as working hard on your lifestyle in order to eradicate bad habits that interfere with life.
However, you need to approach a job change responsibly, and not impulsively, because it introduces significant changes to your future life.
What you need to know and do before you leave your current job
Now that you know when it is time to leave a job, you should be prepared for the future challenges connected with such a decision. The following are our recommendations for a smooth transition.
Analyze the situation from the outside
Changing jobs is an extremely important and responsible action, which must be taken seriously. Think carefully and calmly about your difficulties and the possibilities for solving them. How many times have you been satisfied with yourself and your work? How many times have you received the bonus?
The solutions are always simple, even if they seem to be bold. When fatigue takes over, take a vacation. If your salary isn't enough, ask for a raise. When your colleagues are annoying, find a way to negotiate with them. Don’t run away from the problems that can be solved, and don't use the reasons given as excuses.
Find a new job that suits you
Having figured out how to know when to leave a job, do not rush to take bold actions on the decision to leave. Without thinking about a new job in advance, you will simply be left with nothing. Quite often, candidates' eyes fall on the attractive IT world, which is definitely reasonable. The reason is that getting into it is not as difficult as it sounds, especially if you use the services of recruiting agencies. We highly recommend, a job matching marketplace to find your new remote tech job.
If you’ve finally made a decision to leave your job, but the further steps are not clear, try to think about the direction of your desired activities. Obviously, you want to avoid a situation when you come to a new job and immediately understand that you do not like it.
Solving this problem is quite simple if you take the following steps:
- Make a list of your skills and fields of expertise
- Keep in mind your personality traits
- Analyze your preferences in different jobs
- Browse Websites that introduce you to the selection of vacancies to consider and learn more about
With these tips, you can build the concept of your preferences in work more clearly and choose the right job for yourself. Good luck!