What is Europass CV and What It Is For

Foremost, it is important to mention where Europass comes from and its security level: to put it simply, Europass was created by European Commission to make the process of communication and appliance for jobs or additional education throughout EU territory easier. The service is free of charge, and it can help to create a CV, cover letter, resume etc. in 29 languages. As is stated on the Europass website, security and protection are high-levelled and personal information will be deleted if there is no change in your profile for 5 years. Besides, the EU Commission has put some technical and organizational measures in place such as appropriate actions to
- address online security,
- risk of data loss,
- alteration of data or unauthorized access,
- the risk presented by the processing and the nature of the personal data being processed etc.
And Europass CV means the possibility of creating curriculum vitae due to the EU requirements and Europass format that is acceptable across Europe. Furthermore, the platform can help to acquire information about studying and working opportunities in different EU countries to find courses, jobs, guidance and support with validation and recognition of your qualifications.
When you can use Europass CV
In addition, as a job and educational degree appliance, Europass can be used for
- Validation of non-formal and informal learning due to providing certificates that are equal to paper ones.
- Skills and qualifications recognition: Europass can provide you with additional information or links to specific country locations or institutions which may help with diplomas or certificates to be recognized.
- Information for a non-EU citizen who wants to move to an EU country or to stay for a long-term period: includes tips for an easier family bringing together, long-term residences, moving between European countries, integration into society, funds for particular groups etc.
How to create Europass CV
In order to create an Europass CV, there are two options:
- Start from creating a profile on the Europass website and using information from it to automize writing CV, cover letters, resumes etc.
- Create a CV using Europass platform and saving files on devices or other storage.
However, it is recommended on the platform to sing in the system to save information that can be easily changed or used for additional writing CV, cover letters or resume and be able to access to additional functions. Moreover, CV or other file can be even shared in the link format for particular period of time that can be selected by you.
Creating a profile on the Europass
- To create a profile, you need to write personal information such as Name and Address. You may also add a photo. Moreover, there is possibility to create a profile in different languages (29 are available).
- After setting up a profile, you can add a section from offered variety such as
- Work experience,
- Educational degrees,
- Language skills,
- Digital skills,
- Communication and interpersonal skills,
- Conferences and seminars,
- Creative works,
- Driving Licence,
- Hobbies and interests,
- Honours and awards,
- Management and Leadership skills,
- Network and memberships,
- Organizational skills,
- Projects,
- Publications,
- Recommendations,
- Social and political activities,
- Volunteering, etc.
- In the Language skills section you can state your mother tongue and describe level of additional learned languages and its level of speaking, writing and listening.
- After saving all information the profile will be ready to use, change and share all of it or partly for a particular period of time (After checking the correctness of the profile and clicking the button “Continue”, choosing a period of time and creating a link, you can share it).
Creating CV
To create a CV, resume etc. you need to:
- Click on button “My library” and create a resume/CV/etc. using information from the profile or wringing from the start.
- According to the first option, it is necessary to choose language that you selected while creating a profile (if there is two or more) and sections which you want to show in the file.
- After that, there will be a variety of design templates that you can choose from.
- To share a file in PDF format, you need to save it to the library and download to your device or another storage.
There are more additional function in using the library on the Europass platform: except for saving different amount of CVs, cover letters and resumes, you can download certificates and diplomas and many other documents.
Here you can watch the video from European Union what the process of creating CV looks like and additional information about the tips for creating a good CV such as: to clarify the work experience, tailor the CV and make it readable, provide data with reverse chronological order and at the end is a process of polishing and fine-tuning.
Europass CV template
Here you can download and review the Europass CV template from the European Environment Agency:
- At the top you can see the personal information with a photo (address, mobile and telephone number, e-mail address, personal website, messaging account(s), sex, date of birth, nationality).
- Then goes job applied for/position/preferred job/studies applied for.
- And some sections about experience and skills: Work experience, Education and training, Personal skills (languages, communicational skills, organizational/managerial skills, job-related skills, computer skills, other skills and driving licence).
- Moreover, there is place for additional information that can b interesting for employers or schools such as Publications, Presentations, Projects, Conferences, Seminars, Honours and awards, Memberships and References.
Besides, as we have stated before any information can be shown and no shown in your will, so you can change any section or information without replacing it in a profile.
There are some more Europass CV templates that have additional spaces for identifying levels of listening, writing and speaking of particular languages - here you can download it.
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