How to Create a Software Developer Cover Letter

7 min

It's no secret that a well-written cover letter has become an essential criterion for determining a suitable candidate for a software developer position. This fact is not surprising: the cover letter serves as an introductory presentation of your CV for the hiring manager and indicates whether it is worth inviting a candidate for an interview.

Although it sounds like a daunting task, in practice, a smart approach will help you write a top-notch cover letter. So read on to find out how to write a well-structured and impressive cover letter for a software developer in just a few steps.

What should software developers highlight in their cover letter

Usually, cover letters are pretty concise and should fit into the text volume of 200-300 words. The structure of a software engineer cover letter consists of:

1. A header where you indicate your contact information and the recipient of your letter. The following type of header is most often used:

[Full Name]

[Phone Number]




[Hiring Manager's Name]

[Hiring Manager's Job Title]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

2. An opening clause, which should start with an address (ideally, by the hiring manager's name) and a short introduction to the letter. You should mention who you are, why you are writing, and where you heard about the vacancy. Also, include a polite expression of your interest in this job opportunity.

3. The body of the letter, where you should give a concise and vivid summary of your CV. It should include your strengths, best skills, level of expertise, and highlights of your previous work experience. This part should not look like a list of achievements but should be a logically connected mini-text about what you consider the most important points in your CV.

4. The closing clause, where you express interest in further dialogue regarding your candidacy and invite the hiring manager to contact you. As a courtesy, a thank you for taking the time to review the application and cover letter is also added.

Cover letter writing tips

1Research job requirements

By posting a vacancy, the company expects to hire the specialist who best meets the expectations for this position. Your task is to emphasize why your skills and knowledge are a good match for what the company is looking for. The best thing you can do is to choose from the information in the CV the most relevant to the job description and personalize it to the company.

Write confidently

In the cover letter, the software developer makes the first impression as a specialist. That is why the cover letter has no room for doubts and vagueness because it will only reduce your chances. Instead, we advise you to take the approach of selling yourself to the company, so write what you are confident about yourself and your expertise.

Match your CV

Since the cover letter is a summary presentation of your CV, it should fully correspond to its content. It means you cannot write anything in the letter that is not specified in the CV. Otherwise, it is better to review the CV to make it more comprehensive if necessary.

Include soft skills

Despite the specifics of the IT industry, a cover letter for programmer should also give an idea of ​​your interpersonal skills and personal traits. This will be a great addition to your letter because you will show the company how productive you will be with the team and how well you will fit the company culture.

Check the text for errors

Even if it seems obvious, don't forget to double-check the text of your cover letter. Indeed, it is more important than we used to think because the well-written text makes a powerful contribution to the positive perception of you as a professional. You can rely on online tools if you are not confident enough in finding grammatical and other errors.

Software engineer cover letter examples

Sample #1

Dear Ms. White,

As a huge fan of XYZ, I was really enthusiastic to see this posting for a Software Developer. I feel I'm an excellent match for the job and a great fit for your company. Therefore, in this letter, I would love to express my genuine interest in the Software Developer position. 

Having developed high motivation and great technical skills, I have been a software developer for 4 years with a strong background in the IT industry. Throughout my career path, I have mastered my technical analysis and data collection abilities. Also, I am interested in deepening and expanding my knowledge of programming languages, which is more detailed in my CV. In my previous role, I was working on contributing to team efforts' planning, teamwork, and control over quality of our projects. Specifically, I have strong expertise in creating a quality basis for diverse applications and have contributed to 15+ major projects. The most recent one has received warm feedback from the users, and the client managed to increase its quarterly sales by almost half using our product. In addition, I would like to mention that I always actively partake in collective brainstorming where I coordinate activities to achieve the best result.

I am eager to work with XYZ because I strongly relate to the company's values and willingness to put effort into quality customer service. Having a great sense of initiative and reliability, I have developed strategic initiatives which I believe will prove valuable to XYZ.

Please take your time to have a look at my attached resume. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity for further dialogue with you regarding my possible contribution to the company’s growth. Feel free to reach out to me at 111-111-1111 or

Thank you, in advance, for your time and consideration.

Best regards, 

Kira Johnson.

Sample #2

Dear Ms. Grand,

My name is Jess Nickolson, and I would love to introduce myself as an applicant for the Software Developer position at XYZ. Your ad resonated with me because the job perfectly matches my skills, as you will have an opportunity to notice when reviewing my CV. Therefore, in this letter, I would love to provide you with an overview.

My relevant qualifications include my Master's in Computer Science. I am very confident working with Python, PHP, and C++ (you can find a more detailed list in my CV) and am eager to learn more.

Most recently, I worked as Software Developer for ABC&co. In this role, I was responsible for quality control, code testing, and working with technical documentation. Here I refined my attention to detail in major projects and teamwork skills. For example, I would like to mention my role in significantly improving our most recent product. I managed to accelerate the development with thorough debugging and intensive brainstorming with my colleagues. With these skills and qualifications, I believe I would be a great addition to your organization.

I look forward to our further communication to explore how I can contribute positively to XYZ. Don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to schedule an interview or have any questions about my skills or experience.

Thank you for your valued time.

Sincerely yours, 

Jess Nickolson.

Is your software developer cover letter ready? Then, visit! It is a fantastic job searching site where all salaries, vacancies range, and candidate expectations are shown to everyone.

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