How to become a Web3 developer? Check out our easy tips!

5 min

This article will give you an idea of how to shift to a Web3 development with less effort. Also, you will find the main steps, programming languages, and best Web3 tutorials to help you with your move. Furthermore, these instruments can soften the new career journey.

What is exactly Web3?

Web3 is the name some technologists have given to the content of a new category of internet service. It is built using decentralised blockchains — the shared ledger systems used by cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether.

The determination has been around for years, but it has expanded in popularity last 2-3 years. Tech investors promote Web3 and describe it as "the internet owned by the builders and users, orchestrated with tokens."

Followers predict Web3 taking many forms, including decentralised social networks, "play-for-cash" video games that award gamers with crypto tokens, and NFT platforms that let players buy and sell pieces of the digital world. Developers utilise top Web3 programming languages such as:

  • Solidity;
  • C++;
  • Python;
  • Rust;
  • Substrate.

But some analysts, critics, and sceptics claim Web3 is just a rebranding step for crypto. 

How to learn web3 development?

Mainly, you have the backend and the frontend, just like with Web2. Moreover, since smart contracts are an essential part of dApps, they deserve a separate category. Of course, there's also the invention and growth of new programmable blockchains, but that is not our point of interest for the moment.

So, how to learn Web3 development? As we've noticed, be sure you know how to produce a proper frontend and use tools to cover the backend. That's the essence of becoming a Web3 developer. So, we'll equip you with more clear advice.

1. Learn about solidity and smart contracts

The solidity can be an excellent starting point for Web3, as it offers you a few samples of popular smart contracts like an auction, micropayments, voting, and remote purchase.

Smart contracts are how the blockchain can be programmed. They are fragments of code that have been spread to the blockchain and are written in a language that blockchain nodes can understand.

2. Learn the basics of blockchain technology

A digital log of duplicated transactions distributed across the blockchain's complete network of computer systems is called a blockchain.

Blockchains are a significant part of technology, but they aren't easy to comprehend. To start utilising the technology effectively, you'll need to give some time to it.

3. Understand all about Web3.js and Ethers.js to connect your dAPP

You can use Web3.js to make clients that interface with the Ethereum Blockchain. It's a group of libraries that, among other things, allow you to read and write data from smart contracts and build smart contracts, to move Ether from one account to another.

4. Develop a decentralised App

To learn Web3 development and raise your cognition of blockchain programming, start building your own dApps. "Practice makes perfect" is still a relevant saying.

5. Join chats and communities

When it comes to understanding or operating in the tech world, communities are vital. So far, the web3 coding community has been one of the most accommodating. Find the suitable ones with more than a thousand followers and get the chance for professional, free support from enthusiasts worldwide.

6. Build projects and create a portfolio

In your career hunt, presenting a portfolio of projects can be advantageous. Create, construct, and constantly work on your portfolio if you want to improve in the blockchain specialisation. Visit to find the best Web3 jobs and join teams working with blockchain, DeFi, NFT, crypto etc. Keep in mind that on you will always see the salary and job conditions offered by the companies up front, no more cats in the bags!

How to work in Web3 and earn even more

There are many chances and numerous ways to get a salary raise and become visible on the market. If you see an attractive project and want to get in, run right into their community and ecosystem and start discovering. Get to know the developers involved in the tasks and start chatting about the possibility of sharing a job with them.

Grant programs often allow you to get your first step in web3 programming languages in a part-time position. If you can anchor a grant, you can study more while getting the salary.

For full-time positions, the payment usually is acceptable. Depending on the company, it could be more or less, but it's probably not going to be at the top grades with startups. Most businesses propose a mixture of basic salary and percentage in the form of their digital token. 


  • move around and understand how to work in web3;
  • be helpful to make the project tasks boom;
  • make the value of the token up;
  • earn more income than you would in many other businesses.

Best web3 tutorials for online education

We believe that everyone who acknowledges blockchain technology and finds it impressive can quickly become a Web3 developer. You also can see many ways to take in this voyage. With online education prospering, you have many free and paid open opportunities. 

Web3 is super famous now, and Elon Musk talked about it long ago on Twitter. Believably, it's a suitable time to start discovering web3. We leave it up to you to determine your next career step with

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