What you Should Know to Hire Web3 Developers

7 min

Recent years have shown the skyrocketing demand for Web3 specialists, and there is no wonder why such changes in the labor market have taken place. Tech companies are trying to play by the new rules of the Internet set by Web3 — a promising future of the Web that will change the way we perceive digital networks.

As the idea is progressively picking up steam, the demand for such developers does not match the available supply. The challenge is that there's no time to wait if a company aspires to surpass its competitors and benefit from this shift. That is why recruiters have to come up with intricate HR strategies to hire Web3 developers. However, all you need to know in this case is a couple of efficient tips that have proved to bring results in practice. Keep reading to learn more!

What are the main directions in Web3 development?

Web3 is a new generation of web apps based on decentralized blockchain networks. This concept alters previous digital frameworks, which were limited to cloud servers of tech giants or other entities. Web3 has reimagined the system with peer-to-peer (P2P) distribution of data, providing users and developers with more autonomy and allowing them to transfer data directly to its destination without the interference of third parties.

At the moment, the best Web3 developers are ready to radically improve the perception of the digital world and the way how it functions. The following is a non-exhaustive list of the most perspective Web3-friendly fields.

Crypto & NFT markets

The backend logic of how cryptocurrencies work serves as a blueprint for the whole decentralized networks concept and is actively developing while remaining the top IT trend for a few years in a row. Besides, there is a striking rise in interest in NFT, which is expected to increase further.

Gaming industry

Game companies seek to hire software developers as well since Web3 will allow users to contribute to the development of a game through blockchain networks. Also, game developers now work on so-called tokenization, which will introduce the feature of converting in-game achievements into cryptocurrency.

Decentralized websites & applications

Many startups start building their work on the Web3 tech framework. According to the market experts, the perspectives of such an approach are mainly positive. Besides, today's tech giants launch Web3 projects to implement them in the existing groundworks. The other promising vision is connecting VR and AI technologies with P2P networks.

What skills should web3 developers have

A skilled Web3 engineer must have experience with the following stacks:

  • Web3 SDKs. They refer to devkits necessary to run Web3 software development, provide access to Ethereum blockchain systems, and conduct transactions.
  • Nodes. These are also called Web3 providers. Nodes form and make a copy of the blockchain and enable transactions.
  • Small contracts. They work as programs within the blockchain, automating the workflow and keeping processing speed high under predetermined conditions.
  • Crypto wallets. Wallets store cryptocurrency and required data (keys, passwords, user information, etc.) and verify active transactions.

Besides, you want them to have such specialized and general IT skills as:

  • Knowledge of JavaScript, C, and C++ (other languages will be an advantage);
  • Web apps and software development;
  • Secure coding technologies;
  • Data analysis.

The final touch is soft skills like striving to learn more, managing projects and deadlines, communicability, etc.

How to hire Web3 developers?

As was mentioned above, hiring Web3 developers appears to be very challenging in present market conditions. However, some effective strategies will move you closer to recruiting top-notch candidates.

Set clear goals

We cannot think of a better beginning to the recruitment process than clarifying the reasons why the company needs this kind of tech specialist in the staff. Are you launching a time-limited project? Or is this going to be a permanent position? Will a potential employee develop particular products of the company, or do you need a person who will establish a vision for the overall strategy? Knowing your goals will draw attention to specific characteristics you should expect from a candidate to attain the main objectives.

Narrow the search

This step includes creating a comprehensive list of job requirements to hire a Web3 developer with the necessary technical competence and previous experience. You may want to identify which knowledge and skills are needed for a specific position. This research is especially relevant to the Web3 field as different types of developers deal with various tasks and operate with differing tech stacks. Also, clear expectations and requirements are more likely to appeal to job seekers.

Provoke interest in your company

It is helpful to keep in mind that many offices compete for top developers, so your company needs to stand out among zillions of job offers for Web3 developers. We recommend emphasizing the company's innovative nature, the potential of its ideas, and the long-term benefits of working for it. In addition, make sure you can persuade candidates that they will be able to grow professionally in the proposed working environment.

Don't ignore soft skills

Even though you aim to hire a developer that is a tech job, soft skills are desirable for a Web3 specialist. First of all, communication matters throughout the journey, from applying for a vacancy to the working process itself. It means that you want the candidate to be able to communicate their preferences and give a professional image of them as a specialist. Moreover, soft skills may be a tool to find common ground and agree on mutually satisfactory conditions.

Design comprehensive interviews

After you have set a complete list of requirements, it's time to think of interviewing potential employees. The perfect strategy is to divide all of your questions by topics that cover particular matters of your interest, such as technical competence, previous working experience, personal and professional qualities, etc. Besides, invite a candidate to pass a tech test related to your projects, and try to prioritize assessing the process instead of focusing on the result. It may be indicative of the thinking style of the candidate and their expertise level.

Where to find Web3 developer candidates

Some recruiters try to use all possible channels to find their dream candidates, but that is not what we recommend. The reason is that such research takes too much time and reduces the effectiveness of the process. The best advice on how to hire Web3 engineers is to reach out to specialized recruiting services designed to create perfect matches between employers and employees.

The market offers a lot of such agencies, but to choose the best one, you want to check the following characteristics:

  • How broad is the agency's database?
  • What are the markets it works with?
  • What do clients think of the quality of the services?

For example, you could try Hirin.co to find the best Web3 developers on the market. The service has proved to take the Web3 recruitment to the next level and close the vacancies fast and efficiently.

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